Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My biggest pet peeve

There is nothing in the entire world that is more annoying than when a car parks in the MIDDLE of two spots. So theres about 5 feet in front of the car, and 5 feet in back so NO ONE else can park . Every time I see that I feel like leaving a note on their windsheild with all the nasty comments that I have in mind. Unfortunately people dont care much here and would park on someones front lawn if they had to. So what can I really expect right.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I was in college the other night and as usual, I was IM'ing instead of following what was going on. I was completely spaced out and focused on my conversation; didn't even realize there was a class gonig on around me. I was snapped back into reality when all the sudden, I hear my teacher giving a little speech- about me! I must have been smiling or laughing so he's going on and on how he didn't realize Illustrator was so HUMOROUS, and he's comparing me to a mathemetician who looks at numbers and gets such pleasure out of looknig at it when normal people just see boring math, and how I must feel the same way about Illustrator. So me not being sure if he was serious or joking just smiled and nodded my way through this little lecture of his while the whole class is rolling. A few minutes later I was back on AIM bored again. The class was just draaaaagging on and I was getting giddy and hyper. So naturally I tell this to my friend ***BIG MISTAKE***. All the sudden she starts IM'ing me -

I'm serious I haven't laughed this hard in a REALLY long time!! I dunno if i was just tired, or bored or both but i was hysterically laughing i had to put my head down i was so embarrassed.
anyways i went over to my professor after class and i'm like "i'm really really sorry about before....
he's like "dont worry, it's ok. i like to see people who are in good moods and smiling."
Go figure!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What my lol's REALLY mean

over the years, i came to realize that 99% of the time when i write "lol" i am deifinetly not laughing. Here's what my lol's REALLY mean :
!. lol
this serves as a filler, a conversation mover, a "nothing else to say" comment. when i say lol i barely crack a smile. i just know the other person meant to be funny so i am therefore obligated to say lol . of course there are exceptions but ya know.

although when i say lol and then a comment i usually DO think its funny but too lazy to write LOLL cuz i wanna say something

2. loll (only 2 l's)
i smile, actually got the joke this time, acknowledge that something semi-funny was said

3. lollll (3 or more l's)
this time actually chuckling and smiling for real

4. LOL

5.LMTO!!!!!! / LOLLL!!!!!!!!
kinda speaks for itself :-)