Monday, June 18, 2007


so yesterday morning , i went to the dentist. for the first time in over 2 years.k well i HAD an appointment back in february and i went there and i happened to have not been feeling well and practically was blacking out by the time i got in the chair so they sent me home. so i rescheduled for like 2 weeks later which i again had to cancel cuz i think i had to go pick up my parents from the airport or something. anyways so i kept pushing it off cuz u know how once something hpapens, u have this fear that its gonna happen again in the same place so i was avoiding maknig an appt. (Yes i am crazy i admit it lol ) so i finaly went cuz my teeth were killing me every time i ate chocolate and stuff. so keep in mind that i never had any cavities in my life which is shocknig for the amount of sugar and junk that i eat. k so they took the xrays and the dental hygenist is like ok it looks like your perfect record is going ot remain perfect. yay! but then the dentist came in to double check. He brings in this new machine which i have never seen before (thats how long i havent been to the dentist! They invented new machines since then!) he puts this metal stick in my mouth and its attached to this digital screen . (so cool!) and he puts the rod in my mouth and suddenly the radar thingy starts beeping all over and gonig haywire! the red numbers are shooting up ...20....30.....40.....50....60....... i look at him laughing nervously, im like im guessing this cant be good?
k so hes all finished with all the beepy things (although i still hear beeping i my ears even though he has stopped) and he's like have 8 cavities! im like holy cow . so anyways.
****to make a short story long*****
i now have to go back for 2 or 3 more appointments to get them filled.
I told my mther I'm like do you think he can fill them with white, i dont like the silver in the mouth. my mom starts laughing shes like they dont even USE silver anymore! im like oh.